and Media

Top life and leadership coach - Irina Popa-Erwin of The NYC Life Coach has been featured in countless life and business magazines, TV interviews, and shows, like CBS, FOX5, GQ, Insider, New York Post, Preventive, Yahoo Business, Showtime, and Good Morning LaLa Land, just to name a few, where she shared her experience as a former multi-medalist professional athlete that became an established life, career, and leadership coach in New York City, and around the world.


Americans Have Roughly 60 Bad Days Per Year with Irina Popa-Erwin on CBS NY

Irina Popa-Erwin interview on Good Morning LaLa Land

Irina Popa-Erwin talks about ‘Retiring without anxiety!’ with Antwan Lewis of FOX5 NY

‘How Successful People Handle Stress?’ with Irina Popa-Erwin on FOX5 NY

Life coach Irina Popa-Erwin talks about Goals on CBS NY

7th Annual Bella Hampton’s White Party with Tyler Henry, the Hollywood Medium

Life Coach Irina Popa-Erwin on CBS NY
Irina Popa-Erwin and Tyler Henry - Hollywood Medium

Top NYC Life Coach - Irina Popa-Erwin on FOX5 NY, CBS NY, Showtime and Good Morning LALA Land

Life Coach Irina Popa-Erwin and Tyler Henry - The Hollywood Medium
Mercedes Javid (BRAVO TV) and Life Coach Irina Popa-Erwin

Health and Safety Commission
of Beverly Hills, CA 90210

The NYC Life Coach - Press and Media

Top NYC Life Coach - Irina Popa-Erwin on IMDb

Life Coach Irina Popa-Erwin on IMDb